Tuesday 30 August 2011

Transpires small pricks don't hurt.....!

Morning peeps! 

I am officially a brave bunny  - I have given myself the first injection of many! Woop!! Bit pleased with myself tbh!! Was slightly worried!! 

Thought i'd add a picture of my meds - so anyone coming across this site about to start ivf will have a bit of a sneak preview lol. Hopefully i'll add photos right......here goes....

Ok, so - above ^ is my little pack of stuff! Containing pills, needles, injecty stuff and wipes. How cool is that sharps box!! Am a bit of a twat tho - may have accidentally locked the sharps box so it doesnt undo - will be grabbing another one lol! 

^Scary needle - I took this just before injecting - the needle looks a lot worse than the actual injection felt!

And this is my morning stash of drugs - trusty old pregnancy vit, norethisterone pill and buserelin. 

So, side effects so far - Well, I feel a bit sicky and a touch dizzy but thats fine, My period has vanished which is also normal apparently - if not a bit disconcerting for me! Oh and a bit tired too - but then thats prob just cos im lazy and can't be bothered to go to the gym today! 

Oh - and i've booked my baseline scan to hopefully see whether i have 'downregulated' enough to start the stim stage - its next thursday the 8th sept - fx this bit works!!!