Saturday 13 August 2011

Todays thoughts!

CD18, boring! I feel like i've been waiting forever! We are lucky enough to have our IVF funded by the NHS - but this, i have to be honest - has meant it has been the slowest, most painful process ever. There is a lot of controversy of NHS funding fertility treatments - some areas of the UK have no funds, and some areas fund 3 rounds. We have been lucky enough for 2 fresh and 2 possible frozen. So, whilst I moan, I still feel lucky. 

One of the things that has made me chuckle over this process - which is a good thing, yet still feels like an insult - is the fact you have to fill out multiple declarations assessing your suitability to be parents. It makes me wonder......if every couple in the UK had to do this then how many would get to conceive.......?!! If you had to prove you could support a child, didn't have any medical issues, no criminal record etc etc just how many children would be born in the UK nowadays? Just my opinion, just saying.....! 

Saying that, I know a lot of ladies in the USA/Australia etc who have to rely in their medical insurance to pay out - I'm curious as to which is the better system, it makes me wonder which is best? 

And then I remind myself.....if this was 30 years ago, IVF wouldn't even be an option - and I very possibly would have died from the ectopics. Funny how life is sometimes.....!

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