Tuesday 20 September 2011

We're going for egg retrieval!!!

Again - been crap at updating, going for egg retrieval tomorrow (21st Sept) It's been bought forward a couple of days as I have reacted so well to the medication - yay, yet hmmm, as I am at quite high risk of overstimulation - which im still panicking about lol!

So how do I feel about tomorrow - ummm sort of excited, very nervous, I'm mainly hoping there are actually eggs in the follicles, and then hoping hubbys sample actually has sperm in, and then hoping they fertilise - so just 3 bridges to cross tomorrow! 

Hopefully, by the next time i write (which i plan on doing the day after retrieval) we will have conceived, and that 'child' would have been conceived in a different city to its parents....food for thought!

Saturday 17 September 2011

Ooops, forgot to update! I never was any good at keeping a diary!

Been a bit slow on the updating - mainly as we have ripped the bathroom out lol, so am spending a lot of time looking at tiles - oh the joy! 

Soooo, we had our first follicle scan, and its good news (yet I am still managing to panic!) 

We have 31 follicles, 13 were measuring over 10 on friday (which is a LOT!) So my medication has been lowered! 

The reason im panicking is, even though this sounds great - and it is, its fantastic - there is a risk of overreacting to the medication. 

This is called Ovarian Hyperstimulation - basically meaning i overacheive (well, that'll be a first lol!) If this happens, the transfer will be cancelled and I may end up in hospital quite poorly :-( Thus why I am panicking! 

I'm hoping this doesn't happen - and am taking all precautions possible. I've done a lot of googling and spoken to a whole load of ladies who have been through it, and have taken their advise. One piece of advice comes up a lot and that is to drink Gatorade, or some other such drinks containing Electrolytes. I've tried this, I even took a bottle to the gym, and my official opinion is - its disgusting, truly awfully disgusting.
So, I bought a powder called dialyte from the chemists - and it actually made me sick! So i'm back on the vile Gatorade - Americans, please, tell me why you drink this? Why?!!!!

Next scan is Monday so I will know more then. I'm hoping my eggs are taking a more 'slow and steady' approach now!

On a side note, I belong to an IVF Support group, and was amazed the other day when a good friend posted a picture of her embryo before transfer - I found that so amazing - mainly, because its like the earliest scan pic ever lol! 
And then it made me a bit sad - for all the scans i've had, i've never seen what i've wanted to see - so, maybe, just maybe, even if the pregnancy doesn't stick when they put it in my womb, maybe i'll have that photo to hold on to. 
I asked in the hospital on Friday whether we could get a picture like that and they said we could - I know its a tiny thing, but it means a lot to me, as silly as it sounds! 

Anyway, sorry for not updating - I can tell you loads about baths, shower enclosures and tiles though lol, I think Hubby is nesting (according to a great friend) he decorated the bedroom last week and now the bathroom! Its gonna look fab! 

Friday 9 September 2011

Moving on!!

So, the baseline scan went GREAT! And we are officially 'turned off' :-) 

Now to reboot the system and grow those eggs! Started stimming meds (Gonal-F) on top of my Buserelin today  - so thats 2 injections a day! Great! 

Feeling tired, achey, and generally bleaurgh - but, I pray its all for a good cause!! 

Sunday 4 September 2011

Ridiculously emotional - Day 6!!!

I've finished the tablets (norethisterone) now, well 2 days ago and am feeling proper moody. Like one minute im ready to commit murder, the next I am sobbing. Great!! 

Its very frustrating trying to control your mood constantly - i'm not doing very well at it.....but I am trying to be nice I promise!!